by Lauren Slayton | Dec 11, 2017 | Foodtrainers' Blog
As an R.D., there are certain words on repeat in my office: carbs, protein, fat, greens, probiotics. Another one on this list is fiber. Most of us in the nutrition field can agree fiber is a good thing. Fiber is beneficial for your heart, it’s also important for...
by Lauren Slayton | Oct 2, 2017 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Nobody likes to myth bust more than I do. And so, when I recently spoke to Domino magazine about superfoods (and affordable substitutes) I was ready to offer full-on snark. However, as I reviewed each item on the list, I was reminded that many of these foods are...
by Lauren Slayton | Jan 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
My friend mentioned, in a text, that she had been to Canyon Ranch last weekend. I expressed my jealousy, she then asked “do I really need 30 grams of fiber every ding dong day?”I told her what I’m about to tell you and that’s that normal people...
by Lauren Slayton | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
The following post was written for one of my favorite sites Blisstree, please note that I also stole the carrot photo from their site. After you read this, cruise on over there because they are not afraid to get down and dirty when it comes to food and...