Foodtrainers’ Healthy Austin, TX Guide

Lauren and I hit Austin TX for the PaleoFX conference last month. We have gotten expert-level at exploring new(ish) cities together (or apart – see London, Nashville), and it doesn’t hurt that we both love all things tex-mex. Austin is the coolest – from avocado...

What clean eating means to me

Add some more protein, maybe dark chocolate and avocado I’d like to think I have a good handle on nutrition news. I may skip some of the endless, depressing political articles but I read the food-related ones. There was an article in the Guardian that I...

Wine, Weight and Healthy Cocktails-Cheers!

Cool Hand Cuke from Colonie Restaurant Our August newsletter focused on healthy summer cocktails. You see, for the most part, our clients like to drink. Our view is that if you’re going to indulge in sweets or cocktails or anything else we’ll help you  find...


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