5 ingredients to make salad exciting

  In most cases, when people say they don’t like a certain food, it’s because they haven’t had a good version of that food. This is definitely the case with salad. If, in your mind, salad means a pile of ho-hum lettuce with bottled dressing, you...

Cashew Addiction Explained

Assume there are 100 cashews here. Assume that’s a portion. You can binge on anything. Once when I  told a client “you will not overeat on chicken” she swiftly corrected me, “I eat a whole chicken Lauren…well except for the insides and bones.” Interesting. And...

Crunchy or Smooth?

Are you a morning person or a night owl? An exercise lover or exercise hater? Chances are answering each of these questions required little thought. Most of us fall into one of the 2 categories. It’s not so much a matter of what you want to be but what you are. I...


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