Secret Weapons 101

  You talk to 10 nutritionists, you’re going to hear 10 recommendations for vegetable eating and water drinking (hopefully). But once you move beyond your basics, we like to use, what we call “secret weapons.” On today’s podcast we explain...

How our advice differs for men

In today’s podcast we’re talking all things male. We do our fare share talking about PMS and such, so it’s the guys turn to take center stage. It’s not only that men tend to lose weight faster (they do) but also that we seek out experts...

Four Vitamins Everyone Should Take

There are the vitamin addicts, if you have a shelf or more of supplements, that’s you. And then there are the dont-take-ums. If a client takes dozens of supplements, we’ll usually streamline things. But if you’re not taking anything, you probably...

10 Ways to Add Turmeric to your Diet

My latest post for Just Bobbi focuses on turmeric. You probably have heard turmeric is healthy but how often do you have it? I think it’s a tricky one to incorporate often in case you have go-to recipes such as a smoothie, a salad dressing etc. Check the post...

Wedding Guest Nutrition Tips

It’s almost officially summer and that means tis wedding season. Every day at the office, I see a couple/few clients who will be attending weekend weddings. And so, we devise a plan. Here are 5 tips to help avoid wedding weight and  leave you feeling great. Make room...


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