If you’re not feeling your best during COVID, there are a number of things you can do to get back to peak performance. Last week, Lauren shared some of the dieting changes she made to take off some of the only weight she’s gained outside of pregnancy. Now we’re going to look at the other approaches that you can take to give yourself a reboot and feel better.

In terms of exercise, Lauren is a fan of running, but that’s primarily for her mind and mood. If your primary goal is being leaner, too much cardio can actually increase your cortisol levels. We recommend a mixture of strength training and cardio.

Another food change that’s made a huge difference is being more regular with foods you know are good for you. For Lauren, that was brazil nuts. You can overdo it, so think of these more as a supplement – two to three per day. In addition to weight benefits, they also have several brain benefits. There are even links to brazil nuts and appetite, as well as their hormone-balancing qualities.

If there was one supplement to take in order to give you a reboot, we would recommend berberine. This is included in our BFF (Beat Fat Forever) supplement. It activates metabolic enzymes in your body. Rhodiola is also great at inhibiting cortisol – and B vitamins are also a key supplement for a healthy metabolism.

One last topic we’d like to discuss is carbs. How carbs are handled by the body differs from person to person, but it is something that can show benefits by reducing or cutting completely from a diet. Pay close attention to how your body reacts. If you’re feeling low energy from cutting them down too much, start reintroducing them slowly until you feel better. This one can be tricky, so listen to your body closely, but it’s worth a try.

If you’re having trouble getting back to a comfortable place during quarantine, give some of these a try – or tighten up the ones you’re already doing – and you could be well on track to a better you.


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