70. The Best Diet for your Brain

We recently received a message for a topic suggestion that we’ve avoided tackling for a long time, but it’s a big one. Many people experience the effects of cognitive issues as they get older, either personally or in someone they love. While we aren’t brain...

68. The Best Time to Do Everything

Timing is so important – from what you eat, to what you do, to the supplements you take – sometimes the when can matter just as much as the what.  The best time for anything is the time that you can do it. So, if timing things is creating enough of a hurdle that you...

67. Women and Testosterone

Many people think of testosterone in terms of men, but rarely do we hear it discussed regarding women. But testosterone is an important hormone for all people, and it performs a similar function in every body, affecting mood, metabolism, and muscle growth....

65. To Dairy or Not to Dairy

If you’re a regular listener, you know there are some things we suggest completely cutting out of your diet – artificial sweeteners, cold cereal, processed soy. And then, on the other side of things, there are things we believe are unfairly vilified: coffee, animal...


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