Secret Weapons 101

  You talk to 10 nutritionists, you’re going to hear 10 recommendations for vegetable eating and water drinking (hopefully). But once you move beyond your basics, we like to use, what we call “secret weapons.” On today’s podcast we explain...

Wedding Guest Nutrition Tips

It’s almost officially summer and that means tis wedding season. Every day at the office, I see a couple/few clients who will be attending weekend weddings. And so, we devise a plan. Here are 5 tips to help avoid wedding weight and  leave you feeling great. Make room...

The Secret to our Squeeze Programs

Squeezers Insta story Carolyn and I are both R.Ds, we seek out and sample fab food products (many are not fab)  and have years of nutrition counseling under our belts (I hate belts btw, where did that expression come from). I’ve noticed that the extraordinary success...


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