by Lauren Slayton | Nov 7, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
In most cases, when people say they don’t like a certain food, it’s because they haven’t had a good version of that food. This is definitely the case with salad. If, in your mind, salad means a pile of ho-hum lettuce with bottled dressing, you...
by Lauren Slayton | Feb 14, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
I’ve tried to be an 80% girl, I’m not there yet. With chocolate, the higher the percentage listed on the package, the lower the sugar. However, at the point where dark chocolate has zero sweetness (80% for me), I am zero percent excited. While I think most people can...
by Kayleen | Feb 7, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Kombucha might be the ultimate oldie but goodie – it’s been around since 200 BC, it came on the food scene in the 2000’s and Lauren wrote about it and it’s questionable alcohol content in 2014. Now, it appears alcohol is not the only thing we should have been...
by Lauren Slayton | Oct 8, 2017 | Foodtrainers' Blog
On Friday, news of Harvey Weinstein’s ‘habits’ was everywhere. There was another big news story Friday, that you may have missed. In my, food centric world it was maj. Rx bar, a nutrition bar company, was bought for $600 million dollars by...
by Lauren Slayton | Jul 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
Get these from our Foodtrainers’ shop while they last (or before we eat them all).Whether you’re paleo or gluten free (or neither), many of us are conscious of decreasing our grain intake. We’ve noticed a wave of products and restaurants filling the...