Healthier in the Bedroom

It’s been almost a month in our new apartment. If you’re on Insta, you may recall the move was emotional for me. Our kids grew up in the old apartment and we had renovated every inch of it ourselves. What’s strange is that the second we moved, I was fine. It’s as...

Celebrity Spokesperson: Weighty Considerations

from We’re all familiar with celebrities endorsing diets. Some seem more genuine that others. Certain actors use their role as spokesperson to increase their exposure or energize a lagging career. Others, Jennifer Hudson comes to mind in this group, appear...

Oprah Oh No

When Oprah talks people listen. They have listened for a quarter of a century. Oprah can make books bestsellers, can create careers for the experts she features and pretty much has the Midas marketing touch. The New York Times recently described people clamoring for...

Potty Talk

For most people who blog, potential topics swirl around in your brain. There are topics others ask you to write about, newsworthy subjects you feel you “should” comment on and for me there other topics I cannot resist, these somehow jump to the top of the list....


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