by Lauren Slayton | Dec 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
What are the two most common resolutions? No drumroll needed, weight loss is number 1 and number 2 is to not make any resolutions. Last year I gave you my 2 cents on resolutions in In Defense of Resolutions. I still remain steadfastly pro-resolution. I...
by Lauren Slayton | Sep 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
I love freebies, don’t you? One of the perks of having a nutrition practice and blog is that fairly often I receive packages from food companies who want us to sample their “goods”. Let’s just say some of the “goods” are better than others and some aren’t very good at...
by Lauren Slayton | Aug 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
A couple of weeks ago I somewhat foolishly ran the Queens half marathon in sweltering temperatures. As I was recovering from the race I received the following email: Oh my gosh did you really run the Queen’s Half today? You are my hero. I am working in the ER today...
by Lauren Slayton | Jul 28, 2010 | Uncategorized
If you live on the East coast, you recall this past Saturday’s weather. If you do not, chances are you heard about it. When a day stands out weather-wise in the midst of a summer long heat wave it has to be pretty hot. Saturday was also the day of the Queens...
by Lauren Slayton | Jul 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
A couple months ago I responded to a reader’s request and wrote about what I eat in a typical day. Clients had a lot of feedback, as they always do. Some were happy to hear my day was “as clean” as their food plan and others weren’t as positive. One client even...