How to Kill Carb and Sweet Cravings

We tend to draw a line between foods we’ll try (anything) and what we’ll suggest to clients and readers. It’s affirming, that we’re headed in a healthier direction, when foods we previously felt were offbeat become mainstream. One such category...

Would you tell someone they’re overweight?

Last week, I was bargaining with myself to get on the treadmill. I was sick of my playlists and glanced at my podcast roster. I saw a Dear Sugar podcast on body image. It was 40-something minutes on what sounded like a juicy topic. I chose this over Adele for the...

Be a creature of freshness

Last night, on Instagram, I read a blogger’s caption for her photo. It read “New year, same food.  My eating doesn’t change just because it’s January first.” I say, good for her. She’s probably one of those people who says...

How To Have a NYC Staycation

Since Lauren is off enjoying the sunshine state, it’s Carolyn, back again! So, the holidays are in full swing, and I’ve seen a motivation shift with clients recently. We had a wave of new clients who were ready to get started between Thanksgiving and...

How to cut down on carbs

At an event last week, Sam Kass (former chef for the White House/Obamas) was a speaker. He explained that there’s a missing piece with most health advice. I’m paraphrasing but he said that we can’t simply say “ginger is healthy” but need...


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