by Kayleen | Apr 27, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog, Foodtrainers' Monthly Morsels
We all like to think we’re super unique. But when it comes to nutrition, we’re pretty darn similar. In sessions with clients, the past few (ok 5!) weeks- certain patterns have emerged. If there’s one meal of the day that’s been consistently tricky, it’s...
by Kayleen | Apr 15, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog, Foodtrainers' Monthly Morsels
One silver lining of quarantine may be that Mondays don’t feel as daunting. Of course, this is because it’s unclear what day it is. It seems some of our clients are settling into this new normal, a little of the shock has worn off. Others are having a hard time. So,...
by Lauren Slayton | Jan 9, 2019 | Foodtrainers' Blog
One of the tenets of Foodtraining is that planning eclipses willpower (can’t use the word trump anymore, for obvious reasons). Oftentimes in sessions, in order to gauge a client’s planning, I’ll ask “what’s for dinner tonight?” It is the first week back, for many...
by Kayleen | Nov 5, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
We’re back again with our weekend round up! As Lauren said last week, we love comparing notes on what we did over the weekend – although if we’re being honest, we’re usually in touch fri through sun too. So here is this weekend’s experimentation. What we Cooked:...
by Lauren Slayton | Sep 11, 2017 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Squeezers Insta story Carolyn and I are both R.Ds, we seek out and sample fab food products (many are not fab) and have years of nutrition counseling under our belts (I hate belts btw, where did that expression come from). I’ve noticed that the extraordinary success...