Foodtrainers’ Healthy Austin, TX Guide

Lauren and I hit Austin TX for the PaleoFX conference last month. We have gotten expert-level at exploring new(ish) cities together (or apart – see London, Nashville), and it doesn’t hurt that we both love all things tex-mex. Austin is the coolest – from avocado...

There Are Bad Foods and Bad Kids Too

This “wonderful child” isn’t anyone I know I know there are some people who think all children are wonderful. After nine-plus years of parenting and plenty of play dates I know this is not true. There was one child who expressed his disappointment at...

NYC Trainers’ Top Toners

Memorial Day is a week from today. Last week I presented my tried and true Pre Beach Tips. The only exercise mention was to exit the elliptical or ratchet up your cardio. For today’s post. I contacted some friends of Foodtrainers for their advice. These exercise gurus...


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