The secret to weight loss (or one of them)

  Earlier in the year, my older son came home complaining his bio teacher’s tests were difficult. Whether you’re a parent or not, you likely know what I said to him. “Meet with your teacher, figure out how to approach the tests, just keep working hard.” Another...

Be a creature of freshness

Last night, on Instagram, I read a blogger’s caption for her photo. It read “New year, same food.  My eating doesn’t change just because it’s January first.” I say, good for her. She’s probably one of those people who says...


I don’t think I’ve ever thought of it this way before but we’re halfway through 2010 though not exactly, I know. It was 6 months ago and 80 degrees colder when I outlined my resolutions for the year from a barstool (at the kitchen counter!) in Vermont. Each...

April Fun

It’s April 2nd, I know I am a day late with my monthly resolution review. There seemed to be something wrong about an April Fools’ post and my day was a little busy for reflection. I am reading a great book called The Happiness Project and loved learning that the...


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