by Kayleen | Jun 7, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Over the weekend, I posted on Instagram about exercise during the quarantine. While I avowed being streaky, with my workouts, the majority of commenters were regularly exercising. If you are exercising and eating well, let’s be sure you’re sleeping. Sleep is important...
by Lauren Slayton | Oct 7, 2019 | Foodtrainers' Blog
You talk to 10 nutritionists, you’re going to hear 10 recommendations for vegetable eating and water drinking (hopefully). But once you move beyond your basics, we like to use, what we call “secret weapons.” On today’s podcast we explain...
by Lauren Slayton | Jun 17, 2019 | Foodtrainers' Blog
We initially resisted the CBD surge. While we were intrigued, we hadn’t found the formulation or product that impressed us. And so how could we recommend it? We’d say, the research is there but we’re not sold yet. Well, that was then and now I’m 100% on board...
by Lauren Slayton | Jan 23, 2019 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Three times a year we run our Squeeze program. In case you’ve heard us yapping about it but don’t know what the heck it is… Our Squeeze is offered in January (started yesterday), May (pre-summer) and September. Participants get our Squeeze rulebook...
by Lauren Slayton | May 2, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
It’s been almost a month in our new apartment. If you’re on Insta, you may recall the move was emotional for me. Our kids grew up in the old apartment and we had renovated every inch of it ourselves. What’s strange is that the second we moved, I was fine. It’s as...