by Lauren Slayton | Oct 7, 2019 | Foodtrainers' Blog
You talk to 10 nutritionists, you’re going to hear 10 recommendations for vegetable eating and water drinking (hopefully). But once you move beyond your basics, we like to use, what we call “secret weapons.” On today’s podcast we explain...
by Lauren Slayton | Jul 10, 2019 | Foodtrainers' Blog
My latest post for Just Bobbi focuses on turmeric. You probably have heard turmeric is healthy but how often do you have it? I think it’s a tricky one to incorporate often in case you have go-to recipes such as a smoothie, a salad dressing etc. Check the post...
by Lauren Slayton | Nov 26, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
So, the “we” this week is an “I”, lucky Carolyn is in Australia. She’s asleep right now (16-hour time difference), no need to bug her. Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. What I read I read Conversations with Friends and really enjoyed it. On the surface, it seems...
by Lauren Slayton | Oct 29, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
I have a new feature for Mondays, on the blog, but I’m going to save that for tomorrow. I know this is a nutrition blog but our focus, at Foodtrainers, is on wellness. And it’s hard to feel well with what’s going on. On Saturday, hibernating from the nor’easter that...
by Lauren Slayton | Feb 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
“I stopped having turmeric, my friend told me it yellows your teeth and she’s Indian”I would’ve gently dismissed this client’s reasoning if she wasn’t the third to mention turmeric teeth. I had one of our research elves look...