The secret to weight loss (or one of them)

  Earlier in the year, my older son came home complaining his bio teacher’s tests were difficult. Whether you’re a parent or not, you likely know what I said to him. “Meet with your teacher, figure out how to approach the tests, just keep working hard.” Another...

Positive Peer Pressure

I woke up sore and tired and tweeted about it yesterday.  “Too much July 4th celebrating?” someone replied. Nope, this fatigue didn’t have to do with imbibing or late nights though there were controlled cocktails (delicious white sangria and lime/thyme vodka...

Shallow and Selfish

Would be sort of nice if there weren’t a million people, a roof overhead and germs lurking We all go through life assuming we are good people. Perhaps I should only speak for myself. I have always felt I was a good friend, a good daughter (year 14 an...


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