by Kayleen | Nov 5, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
We’re back again with our weekend round up! As Lauren said last week, we love comparing notes on what we did over the weekend – although if we’re being honest, we’re usually in touch fri through sun too. So here is this weekend’s experimentation. What we Cooked:...
by Lauren Slayton | Oct 30, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
You may have noticed we’ve blogged more frequently lately. By “lately”, we mean the last week, that counts- right? We’re excited to put more energy into the Foodtrainers’ blog. With that, we have a new feature. For a while, we’ve toyed with doing some sort of a weekly...
by Kayleen | Sep 20, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog, Uncategorized
This week at Foodtrainers is ALL SQUEEZE EVERYTHING! As Lauren mentioned earlier this week, we are busy cooking, mantra-ing, and hydrating with our official Foodtrainers Flasks. All Squeeze participants receive a package of “secret weapon” ingredients and a rulebook...
by Kayleen | Jun 7, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Lauren and I hit Austin TX for the PaleoFX conference last month. We have gotten expert-level at exploring new(ish) cities together (or apart – see London, Nashville), and it doesn’t hurt that we both love all things tex-mex. Austin is the coolest – from avocado...
by Kayleen | Feb 7, 2018 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Kombucha might be the ultimate oldie but goodie – it’s been around since 200 BC, it came on the food scene in the 2000’s and Lauren wrote about it and it’s questionable alcohol content in 2014. Now, it appears alcohol is not the only thing we should have been...