Foodtrainers’ Healthy Austin, TX Guide

Lauren and I hit Austin TX for the PaleoFX conference last month. We have gotten expert-level at exploring new(ish) cities together (or apart – see London, Nashville), and it doesn’t hurt that we both love all things tex-mex. Austin is the coolest – from avocado...

Your Healthy-ish Nashville Guide

A few weeks ago I went to Nashville for a friends birthday and was blown away by the good food, music (of course) and weather. I actually have a crush on Nash and have to share my hits with you. Of course, with only 2 days there, I cannot personally vouch for all of...

This is how I lose weight

I mentioned to a friend that I felt ick following a recent vacation. “Do you let yourself go when away?” The sad part is, I don’t. I tend to eat, more or less, the same way when I’m away. But..all meals are out and there’s more booze, for...

Be a creature of freshness

Last night, on Instagram, I read a blogger’s caption for her photo. It read “New year, same food.  My eating doesn’t change just because it’s January first.” I say, good for her. She’s probably one of those people who says...


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